WebSouls Coupon: Enjoy Special Discount and Review

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Different kinds of website hosting providers are there. But some of them comes with some special features. WebSouls is one of these companies. It provides a very reliable web hosting and designing facilities in Pakistan.

WebSouls Features and Review

Though many people are still using shared hosting, VPS and dedicated servers are very popular too. That is why, this company provides all these types of services. Each of the products of WebSouls is reliable and fast. Sometimes, you may need to get a web design facility from any professional. This company will never ask you to do so because it provides a very impressive web design facility. You can purchase WS with our discount coupon. Simply abide by the image instructions to get the WebSouls discount. Here are some main products and their features:

Reliable Hosting Facilities

This company provides a very reliable shared web hosting service. This service includes an intuitive control panel. For this reason, you will be allowed to control everything very easily. To install this, there is no need to deal with any difficult stage. It has a 1-click install facility. This hosting service is powered by the powerful CPUs and I/O disks. WebSouls also provides an unlimited hosting facility. This facility comes with unlimited web space, bandwidth, and email accounts. The VPS of this company is a fast, secured, and affordable product.

Impressive Web Design

With a stunning cutting edge technology, Web Design of WebSouls is available. From here, any customer will find a huge number of eye catching designs. Among these designs, anyone can be selected. Sometimes, this company can also provide special designs according to the requirement of customers. A website may have different types of meta-tags, meta-keywords, and titles. Every customer will be allowed to set these things very easily. For this reason, that website will be an SEO friendly site. People like to visit websites from their mobile phones and tablets. WebSouls Web Design can make any website as a mobile friendly one. Social media integration can also be made on these websites.

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WS Plans, Coupon Code & Pricing

WebSouls does not charge much for any of its products. For the Unlimited Hosting, the price starts from PKR 4499.99 per year without the promo code. With this product, a free domain is available too. To enjoy shared web hosting of this company, you can purchase any of available three packages. Premium Package of this product is available for only PKR 1699.99/year. Just like the hosting plans, WebSouls provides some very impressive plans for its Web Design. Basic Dynamic Plan of this product can be purchased by only PKR 14999.99. It comes with 10 content pages and a single web revision facility. Advance Dynamic Package of this product is available for only PKR 24999.99 as per August 19, 2017. This one offers 15 content pages. The one-time price of Ultimate License is only 34,999.99 PKR. This one supports 3 design revisions and 30 content pages. Each of these plans will allow to choose any single design template.

In conclusion, avail the hosting at a cheaper price with our discount. For any question on the WebSouls coupon, please ask us.