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For any kind of online service provider and email marketers, many tools are required. Maborak is a brand which comes with various types of useful add-ons. Each of these products is very efficient and affordable.

Products and Review of Maborak

The success of an email campaign, online marketing campaign, and other service providing tasks depend on various things. You have to face several difficulties in doing so. If it is possible to use some tools for completing these tasks quickly, that will be good for any campaign. I recommend to use Maborak products for any campaign. Its add-ons are innovative and useful. In such way, obtain the reviewed responsive email service provider technologies with discount and have the Maborak coupon. Let’s have a look at some of its popular products:

Multiple MTA with IP Monitor

In every email campaign, many people use one SMTP/MTA account. But sometimes, it can be necessary to use more than one account in a project. To do this task, you can take help from the Multiple MTA with IP Monitor. It is one of the best products of Maborak. This tool is capable of creating a group of SMTP accounts with a special rotating system. This system supports both the random as well as cycle rotation system. For every MTA account, it can be necessary to use a separate mail setting. This product will help you to do that very easily. And, it can also show the details of an email campaign whenever it is asked for.


Feedback Loops Processor

When you will provide any kind of campaign, there will be a big number of subscribers. Some of them may create some SPAM complaints against your IP’s. These complaints are very much harmful for the reputation of any IP. Maborak provides Feedback Loops Processor for solving this problem. This add-on is capable of unsubscribing any kind of email complaint very efficiently. This tool is can work with all kinds of popular ISPs and ARF complaints. Cron job processing is another nice feature of this add-on. It can easily export the complaints from any email campaign and contact list.

Spinning + Remote URL Rotator

It is another important product of Maborak. If you are looking for an add-on which can rotate any type of email marketer field, this it can be recommended. This product can rotate almost everything, including subject, HTML content, text content, and company address. A multiple URL rotator facility is another great feature of this tool.

Maborak Discount and Attractive Pricing Options

We have seen some innovative add-ons, which are offered by Maborak. Each of these products is available for an attractive price. For example, there should not be any doubt that the Multiple MTA with IP Monitor is a useful solution. It can be purchased by paying only $600 as per this post creating time. Feedback Loops Processor is another very important product for protecting the reputation of IPs. To buy this one, only $400 should be paid without any kind of promo code. Similarly, Maborak also offers the Spinning + Remote URL Rotator for an attractive price. The cost of this solution is only 500 USD. Other popular products of this brand are Social Network Tracking, Multithread, and Geo-Location Statistics, etc.

So, Please purchase with Maborak discount. Eventually, buy the responsive email service provider technologies with coupon.