Article Video Robot Coupon, 50% Promo and Review

Find a cool 50% Article Video Robot coupon available here at our site upon purchasing the product. To get this, please have above coupon code from the link, go to the pricing page of main site and place it on the bottom of the pricing page.

Article Video Robot Coupon

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The Amazing Article Video Robot

Articles are commonly used contents for the marketing of different types of products and services. These can be used for promoting the products and attracting more customers. But the things have been changed a little. Every marketer is using this and that is why you have to do something new to become more successful. Stunning videos can be used for the marketing purposes. The fact of the matter is people love to visualize sometime instead of reading. These videos can be created easily from the plain text articles. But for that, you have to purchase the Article Video Robot. This tool has been offered with various features and that is why it has become very popular with the marketers. Here is my observation of the Article Video Robot. Also get above exclusive discount when purchase. The coupon will provide the 50% price off.

Different Video Styles

For all the campaigns, you may not love to use the videos of the same kind. The creator of this tool has that thing in mind. That is why 6 different video styles have been included in this product. So the users of it do not have to use the editing tools for making differences to the videos. The impressive thing is, it is not necessary to use the cameras. According to the contents of the articles, the marketing videos will be created automatically. Now a common thing may come to the minds of all the readers. And that is this product may be very difficult to handle. But actually it is not at all. Using only your mouse, you can create the contents in just seconds using the Article Video Robot.

Amazing Optimization Facility

There are some amazing features which have made this product unique. One of those features is the video optimization facility. Just like the website optimization, this is also very important. The main target of website optimization is to keep the website in good position in the search result. Similarly, it is important to bring the videos to good position of video search results. Naturally sounding voices can be used for the contents. You will be allowed to choose the type of voice. There are 5 or 7 of them have been included in Article Video Robot.

Impressive Sharing Features

Creating or generating videos is not the only task of this product. It is very much helpful for sharing those through different media. It can deal with the sharing channels like YouTube and DailyMotion. On the other hand, it can be used for sharing the contents to the Facebook. The Power Plan of this product can create the videos of 10 minutes and it has 5 voices. Business Plan is for contents of 20 minutes and it offers 7 different voices.

Pricing and Coupon

As the pricing is another concern, this product is very much affordable. Power and Business Plans have been offered for $47 and $97 monthly prices before 2017. It is important to mention that these prices are without the mentioned coupon code. Branding feature is supported by both of these plans of the Article Video Robot. That means you can use your name, company name or logo as the brand. All these of Article Video Robot are pretty attractive. Moreover, the discount being provided on this product add more to its attractiveness.

If you liked the overall features of this product, then please purchase it and enjoy the Article Video Robot coupon 2018. We hope this discount coupon provides you the expected price.