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WP Ultimate Social coupon

The WP Ultimate Social coupon is providing as cash back.

WP Ultimate Social and the Review

WP Ultimate Social is an effective one solution for managing all the corresponding features in the social activity. It offers a wide range of facilities with the reliable features like social counters, social share, twitter feed, social login, pinit button, auto post system and so on terms. All of these conditions are offered in a single platform. This plug-in is very simple to operate. Besides, the customization process of the designing section is also allowed here with the user friendly mood. In case of managing your site more responsive, you can depend on this as it offers the responsive activities in default format. Moreover, this is very light while using in any WordPress based site. If the review of this product interests you, then have it from our website with the coupon and discount. There is no necessity of applying any coupon code here.

Supportive conditions inside this

WP Ultimate Social fulfills the features with many variations and terms. In each section, the users will observe a lot of features that can be applied in a systematic way.

Social icons: A lot of social icons are offered here in this category. From this section, the users can pick up any specific one and upload them according to the need. Besides, here you will also get more than 105 font icons with various colors and styling format. To handle the customization system of the needed icon, it issued an additional tool.

Social Share: To maintain the social sharing term, WP Ultimate Social offers almost 10 themes with the custom format. These are issued in such a way that, the form selection process and the sharing activities can be managed easily. Here, the floating sidebar based theme is also included. Inside this, there is the term to observe almost 14 social media for including in the corresponding site. Here, you can maintain the sharing task through the email or printing process.

Social Login: Inside WP Ultimate Social, an essential term is the social media log in system. Here almost 9 social media are offered. To configure the social accounts according to your need, you will get the custom admin panel. You can also disable or enable the login area when it is needed. To manage the social login process, the simple configuration system is also assured here.

Auto Post: In the auto post section, WP Ultimate Social issues some creative features. Here, you can easily post on the Facebook profile and the fan page in an automatic way. This process is also available for twitter and Linkedin. In case of posting, you can apply the filtering process.

Coupon and Pricing Condition of WP Ultimate Social

To get the regular license of WP Ultimate Social, you will be asked only $60. This is the price without including the coupon. This is allowed for a single license. In case of managing the up-gradation process for 1 year, the users will have to pay only $18.

So, avail the WP Ultimate Social coupon according to the steps given in the aforementioned image. We hope you enjoy the discount.