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Blog Defender Discount

Blog Defender and its Review

BY following many case studies, it seems that most website owners keep their website having little security system. Sometimes, many of them are kept without any single security. If you are one of them, then your site can be attacked by the hackers. To avoid this problem, Blog Defender is a trusted one platform for the business site owners. This is mainly issued to the WordPress site owners. This is considered as a top selling one security system. The new version of this product provides hosting tools as well as some special secret tools. By applying these conditions, you can keep your site safe from the unwanted touch of hackers. In fact; while using Blog Defender, you won’t need to conscious about the security problem of your online business. In such way, please take the reviewed revolutionary website security system with discount and obtain the Blog Defender coupon.

Users of this product

Everyone who wants to keep their site safe can use this product. In fact; this is a suitable one product for the online business site. Besides, it can run full functionalities in your personal and blog sites. So, bloggers, website owners and business owners can be benefited by this security system. Most of all, it doesn’t ask any limitation while using. Then, this tool is very simple to use. It doesn’t matter if you are a newbie or a professional in online market. Without having any technical skill as well as the experience, you can use this product. Not only that, it includes a training video within this. So, you can learn step by step procedure to apply every single condition.

Blog Defender

Security Module of this

Backup module is one of the most essential parts inside Blog Defender. It ensures the backup procedure to Amazon web Service, DropBox, Email, FTP and related platform quite automatically. Besides, it maintains database backup functionality. Here, you can enable full site backup with database or individual database backup process. All the backup process can be maintained with proper scheduling criteria. Inside backup module some more features are available like backup notification, individual file restoration process, url replacement, auto database repair, malware scan, blacklist scan etc.

Defence Module: This portion is an effective one inside Blog Defender. It affords many positive conditions to ensure these criteria. Here, 404 detection, away mode, file change detection, hide login are available with full supportive condition. Moreover, email notification, online based file comparison, scheduling scanning, role wise checking are also available. Within protection module you will observe scanning and repairing mood. In fact, it includes backdoor scanning, content analysis, URL scanning after a defined period of time.

Pricing Value and Blog Defender Discount

To get the front end version of Blog Defender, you have to pay only $27. For purchasing Developer Lifetime Edition, only $97 is needed to pay excluding the discount.

So, Please purchase with Blog Defender discount and have the revolutionary website security system with coupon.