ClickCease Discount and Coupon Code

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ClickCease discount

Different types of online campaigns are very effective. Pay-Per-Click or PPC campaigns are very popular all over the world. But, for some click fraud attacks, these campaigns may fail. To work against these frauds, you can use the ClickCease. This service is capable of working against all types of click frauds for any PPC campaign.

Review and Features of ClickCease

For different types of PPC campaigns, you have to offer a huge number ads. But if there are artificial traffic bots clicking on these ads, there will be less conversion. And you will not get the desired commission. To solve this problem, I recommend to use ClickCease. This impressive click fraud detection service will work against all types of frauds with a very high effectiveness. So, please purchase the ultimate PPC click fraud detection & protection service with discount and avail ClickCease coupon in 2024. Let’s have a look at some important features of this service:

Different Detection Rules

It is a fact that a huge portion of internet traffic comes from artificial bots. These are very helpful for the PPC campaigns. ClickCease always monitor the ads. While monitoring, it will work against all types of fraudulent activities. For example, some automated traffic may come from any blacklisted IPs. Some bad hosts and proxy servers can also harm your campaigns. All these unwanted activities will be monitored by this click fraud detection service.

Similarly, ClickCease is capable of working with different detection rules. By applying some personalized detection systems, you will be able to ensure the ads reaching all potential customers. That means, only your potential customers and original traffic will see your ads. This service can automatically hide the ads from every attacker. For this reason, no attacker will be able to see these ads.

Attractive Pricing Plans and Discount

To purchase the Basic License of this service, only 15 USD per month should be paid except the discount. This solution supports all the basic features. An impressive email notification facility is also added to this. And it can handle 1000 ad clicks very efficiently. Standard License of this product can be enjoyed by paying only 50 USD per month as per August 5, 2017. Some advanced features like automatic IP blocking and conversion tracking are offered by this popular license. This license is capable of working with 5 thousand ad clicks. ClickCease also has a flexible license named Agency Plan. You can purchase this one for some very big campaigns.

ClickCease discount

Impressive Refund Agent

It is very important to use Adwords credit efficiently. ClickCease is capable of doing this task very nicely. It can automatically create some necessary agent file reports. By using these reports, you will be able to use deal with Adwords credits efficiently. On different ads, there will be so many clicks. Each click comes with a huge number of data that you cannot grab manually. ClickCease will do this task automatically. Some of these important data are IP addresses, device ID, ISPs, and location etc. All these data will be decorated in some useful reports.

Therefore, please purchase with ClickCease discount in 2024. Buy the ultimate PPC click fraud detection & protection service with coupon.