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JaSFTP – Completely Secure FTP Solution

There are should be no doubt that the products of Hitek Software are of unique types. But one thing common in all the tools of this company. That thing is, all of these has the automation capability. Perhaps the Automize is the most popular creations of it. But the JaSFTP tool also has all the quality to become popular. This product is a secure file transfer protocol suite, which can do several tasks automatically. That is why there will be a minimum time required for file transferring after purchasing this one. In this short review, I have mentioned the main features and benefits of this amazing solution. Let’s check out those. If you liked the review of JaSFTP, then purchase it through our link with the coupon. No additional coupon code is needed to get the discount on JaSFTP.

Cross Platform Solution

Like the other tools of the same company, JaSFTP is also a cross platform product. That means, you can use this to the computers of different operating systems. The operating systems it supports are Linux, Windows and MacOSX. From different servers and PCs, this product can automate the file transfer. For example, it can deal with the intranet and internet servers perfectly. So you will face no problem to transfer the targeted file from the computers to servers and vice versa. It is very important to change the name of the files according to the time or month. JaSFTP will automatically do this task for you. It can work by maintaining the schedule.

Automatic Downloading Capability

This product has the ability to download automatically different types of web pages. It can use the internet and servers to download the pages. It will allow you to set the time frame for the downloading. JaSFTP supports unlimited number of SFTP browsers.  The SFTP commands can be run with proper sequence with the help of this product. Suppose a web page has been modified by the admin. The JaSFTP will download the modified web page finely. That means it has the automatic checker program which will check the web page has been modified or not. It can work with different protocols like SSH1 and SSH2.

Purchasing and Upgrading Costs and Coupon

The current version of this product is the JaSFTP 11 which can be purchased by $129.95 without including the coupon. This price has been mentioned before 2017. If you are using previous versions of this product or AbleFTP, you can upgrade those to the current version. For upgrading from the edition 10, you have to pay $64.97. If you are using version 9 or older than that, necessary upgrading cost for you will be $97.46. Similarly, you can upgrade AbleFTP 11 to JaSFTP 11 by paying $51.98. To get this edition from, AbleFTP 10, you have to pay $77.97. Similarly for the older editions of that product, necessary fee will be $103.96 for the upgrade. This pricing cannot be considered as high because of high quality features of this automation tool.

So, purchase the product with the JaSFTP coupon to enjoy its services at a cut price. We hope you enjoy our discount service.