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myIMUniversity Coupon

myIMUniversity provides the users with the opportunity to generate leads very easily. It has the lead generation facilities and it can help users to create the sites easily. Users can create more than one funnel and create a lot of different courses. So that if the users want to create their own education channels, they can add as many courses as they want.

Review of myIMUniversity

For those who are running online courses that are strongly funded by students, they need to bring a lot of students enrolled in the course. This program provides the hosting of the site that can handle the pressure of unlimited students. It can do so providing all the exclusive facilities to the users. The content delivery of the application has been set in a way that can be useful for the users. Users also can add as many as leads they want with this application. The program is totally cloud-based on this application. The cloud-based application allows users to download anything at all. Users can save the space of their computer by using this application. With this application, users do not need to write a single line and users can get unlimited leads with this application. Hence, obtain the reviewed powerful cloud based application with coupon and obtain the myIMUniversity discount.

Accept Payments

myIMUniversity offers the users to accept the payments from a lot of different modes. Users can accept the payment from PayPal, MasterCard, or even other payment modes. The accepting of payment will also save the money of the users as they will not require to go through any 3rd party payment modes. It will save a lot of money from the users that they need to spend on a 3rd party to accept payments.


Step  by Step Training

myIMUniversity includes the step by step training and users can learn easily with this application by the training method. It includes autoresponders integration. Users can have up to 10 different integration on autoresponders. So that users do not need to reply to every single inquiry by themselves. It also includes the HD video hosting so that users can see all the videos in HD qualities. The server of this application is fast so that users do not need to have to wait. The students do not need time to load the server. It is necessary to have a speedy server. If the server is lagging, then people lose interest in it and they do not want to purchase the product.

myIMUniversity Coupon and Pricing Plans

myIMUniversity has to offer 2 different plans to offer to the users. The first pricing plan is the standard plan that has been priced at only 69 dollars without the promo code. The commercial plan has been fixed at only 99 dollars. Both of the packages include multiple payment modes to offer. Users can create multiple businesses with the preferred domain very easily. As a result, this program can be proven as very flexible for users.

Therefore, please get with myIMUniversity coupon and avail the powerful cloud based application with discount.