Zferral Review | Receive Fantastic Pricing On This Product

To ensure the activities in custom based affiliate program management process, Zferral is a helpful solution. It offers all the supportive conditions with the needed tools by which you can simply organize the referral and the affiliate program creating process.

Here, the activity of automating the rewarding process for the ambassadors can be managed through cash, gift cards, swag etc.

Zferral Review

Zferral and the review offered by this

Zferral is known as Ambassadors to the users. Under the dashboard section, you will get the term of managing the tracking the affiliate campaigning process. To promote the corresponding companies in the web section, Ambassadors are very helpful to the users. By applying the needed API or the JavaScript snippet, you can ensure the affiliate campaigning activities.

Why users depend on this

This platform offers three basic issues which are: Enroll Track and the Reward. From the Enroll part, the marketers will be able to customize the needed referral campaigning process for engaging the fans, affiliates, customers and the associate employees that are related to the digital properties. In the tracking section, the marketers will be able to manage the ambassadors and the complex program related metrics. Here, the changing terms and the optimization process for getting the maximum revenue can simply be gained. At the last part, you can be able to customize the needed event for making the reward.

The features offered by Zferral

Building the campaign: To create the first campaign, it applies some few steps. It offers the way to create the custom based incentives by which you will be able to encourage the ambassadors and this is very helpful to promote any brand. Under this, the term of builder campaigning process, unique URLs sharing process are also active.


Flexible integration: Ambassadors ensure the way to make the integration process of needed widgets and the supported API. For making the best promotion of the corresponding brand, these processes are very helpful.

Driving up the new sales: T creates the automatic Ambassadors, Zferral is very supportive of the users. Here, you will get the term of making groups among the Ambassadors. This will simply increase the best selling process of the available products.

Pricing condition of Ambassadors

Ambassadors offer three packages with the variety of the features and the conditions. These packages are: Starter, professional and Enterprise. For the Starter package, you need to pay only $200 in each month. In Starter package, you will get the option of making 1 campaign. For the Package of Professional and Enterprise, users can easily observe 2 and unlimited campaign making procedure. By providing $800/month, you can use the Professional package. For the Enterprise package, by depending on the features, you need to manage the pricing issue.